Thursday, November 29, 2012

Overview of modern liberal and conservative perspectives...

“Liberal” and “Conservative” are two words used to describe two political philosophies and platforms that may not be so easy to view and comprehend. It seems that humans maintain a need and desire to label everything and everyone in their lives and certainly this is recognized in Politics, perhaps more so than in other areas of our daily existence.

Immediately, several such labels come to mind, e.g., liberal, conservative, socialist, fascist, to name a few. The terms “Liberal” and “Conservative” are frequently used in politics and within our modern society; however, the context may vary in actual use and definition at any given time. Furthermore, the terms have changed over time periods and/or have been manipulated to promote special interest concerns, desires and legislation.

Costly Roadways Impacting Texas Hill Country Landscape

The move is underway to rip apart our scenic Hill Country in order to provide large profits for developers and road companies from which they may toss some back to elected officials via perks and campaign contributions.
The new road proposals essentially carve up much of our open lands and break up our private properties to new and unsustainable growth patterns. The corrupt process of appointing designated associates by County Commissioners comprising persons with already-voiced interests in either building roads or being involved in development, who then sit down and decide for the rest of the citizens (and LANDOWNERS) of this County what should happen to their lives is undemocratic, blatantly contemptible and should not be tolerated.

Most people know little or nothing about these new proposed roads, and there has been NO PUBLIC INTEREST in building more roads. Instead, it is a top-down bogus process of handing over public tax money to private entities in the form of road contracts and eventual housing and commercial development.
Our lands and our lifestyle must not for sale, nor open to controlled special interest decisions about where increased vehicular traffic, overpopulation and additional air and noise pollution should be directed and how.

Local news media along with community residents must rise up together as a giant tsunami of protest. 

We recognize that the County is growing and that we must make improvements to our roads, but not this way.

To Toll or NOT to Toll...

Texas Tolling Mentality Continues…

In response to the Austin Statesman editorial, “U.S. 290 tollway’s first piece opening in December
Despite the fact that gasoline tax revenue is diverted to other special interests and also that Gov. Perry and the Texas Legislature refuse to permit the increase of the tax to allow for inflation (as they apparently do permit for yearly toll road increases) the primary focus on building roadways is on developing more and more toll roadways, which truly does NOT help with traffic congestion.

This is unconscionable.

Furthermore, there is no regulation for the increase of tolls at any given time and once the toll road is paid for, the tolls usually remain. This is NOT a legacy we want to leave for our children’s children.

The ruling GOP cries out against new taxes, but what are tolls if not new taxes?

Even if drivers opt NOT to use the toll roads goods and services will increase accordingly as toll costs will be diverted onto customers. Consequently, I urge all Texans to avoid using toll roads, but also they should contact legislators to stop the tolling insanity.

Single-Gender Schools in Austin ISD?

Stop letting petty bureaucrats and politicians decide what is best for the community and children. Instead, let the community determine its own needs. It's called School-Based Management and it works!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Another Israel-Gaza War...

In response to the 11/14/12 NY Times editorial “Another Israel-Gaza War?” provokes a simple question....
During the past 50 years, how many peace agreements and cease fires have there been between Israel and its neighbors?  
The answer is “too many to recall” and all of them have resulted in further attacks. Israel did not initiate the renewed attacks, but Arab nations did.  The Arab nations will never accept the state of Israel and they continue to dismiss Israel’s right to be in the Middle East. 
While it is true that the development of Israel was pushed onto Arab homelands back in 1948 via Western persistence and protection, the surrounding neighbors continue to view Israel as an intruder, a new state that was created without their approval.   The hatred and animosity prevalent in the Middle East against Israel will never be resolved peacefully.  History has proven that Israel will have to take any means possible to keep its state and to protect its survival.  While the rest of the world may not approve of Israel’s aggressive methods, they also have not “walked a mile in Israel’s shoes.”

Sunday, November 11, 2012

TAB’s CEO Bill Hammond is being Hammond Again...

Kissbutt Rick Perry puppet Bill Hammond naturally would like more businesses to move to Texas to make himself and his organization more important. Big businesses [not small ones] in Texas already have the government in their pockets. Why the need to fork people even more than Perry and the Legislature are already doing?

Characteristically, it seems that Perry and Hammond want the same thing, to beef up business and get rid of the remnants of the middle class by pushing them to the brink of financial suicide. Hammond's constant ignorance is astounding. Perhaps he and Perry should go on the toll road together to campaign for 2016 President and VP. They both are arrogant, willful, self-centered and each could care less about average Texans and public education. The nation would be very entertained by a Perry/Hammond team. Of course they would never win the party nomination. 
They always want to cut their own costs while upping the ante at the expense for Texans. Motor vehicle registration already is one of the highest in the nation. Fees and penalties have been increasing for the past decade, coincidentally? since Perry became Governor. The State continues to divert its constitution responsibility for the public education budget onto local government in the way of [mostly] higher property taxes.
It's time businesses pay their fair share since the business climate in Texas already is one of the best in the nation. What would Texans get from all these absurd suggestions besides more cobwebs in their wallets where once dollar bills were abundant?