Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Current Political Climate...


The more Democrats do the stupid things they are doing and verbalize them publicly, the more the majority of US Citizens see them for what they are: a lost political party that is "shooting itself in the foot" and in continuing this irrational assault will actually inspire more voters to support the President and to reelect him in 2020!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Democrats don't know squat about economics!

Another case of ultra-liberals being morons. How could they possibly think that providing higher wages for lower class jobs would be a positive feature?

It's common-sense that businesses can't handle such a large increase in minimum wages without cutting jobs and/or increasing costs to consumers, which then would translate into fewer sales.

The great economic sage, AOC, should know better but she doesn't. Her zoo handlers should know better, but they don't. Ultra-liberal democrats should definitely know better but they don''t either. And yet even with this all going on, ultra-libbies want to increase taxes on those who have the money to run businesses and to hire employees. Really stupid thinking out there!

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The democrats are pushing reparations for slavery???

Reparations for Slavery???
AOC is such a loser lunatic! 

That has to be the dumbest crap of all: reparations for slavery. Most of all who were slaves have died and their offspring are not due ANY reparations, but democrats (small 'd') will continue to push for reparations because they believe offering money to Blacks will get them the Black vote. democrats are a bunch of losers who have no idea how to win except by bullying and creating havoc, which in turn bites them in the butt!

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