Thursday, April 9, 2020

COVID-19 Coronavirus my view of its origin

I believe the COVID-19 virus was developed in China with support and funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  Part of the Foundation supports this effort.  Right or wrong I have believed this from the start of the virus in Wuhan.

There also is a place called the Pirbright Institute that also is funded by the Gates FoundationThe Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation did fund a research center in England called the Pirbright Institute, (see here ; more on the institute ). The Pirbright Institute specializes in the study of viruses that affect farm animals, and viruses which transfer from animals to people, but stated they do not own a patent on the COVID-19 coronavirus. The Pirbright Institute has a patent for a type of coronavirus affecting animals (primarily chickens), which can be seen here . The Pirbright Institute addressed the confusion between their patent and the novel coronavirus, COVID-19: 

The Pirbright Institute carries out research on infectious bronchitis virus (IBV, here), a coronavirus that infects poultry, and porcine deltacoronavirus that infects pigs. Pirbright states it does not currently work with human coronaviruses. More information on coronavirus livestock research can be found on its website. 

I have searched and researched the origin of the virus since it occurred in Wuhan.  As you might expect, there is little information out there on origins of the virus but in all my reading about it I believe this is how the virus originated in Wuhan but has been covered up.

It’s still difficult to get real numbers from China so we don’t really know whether the virus hit hard Beijing or other larger cities in the region.  The Gates Foundation will of course deny any issue or involvement in China producing the COVID-19 virus.  I am sure the Foundation supported China in virus and vaccine R&D in good faith.  But something premeditated or accidental occurred.

I don’t trust the Chinese leadership at all and neither should any of us.  Also the Chinese are an ambitious lot and take advantage of any world issue.  Call it paranoia, deduction or speculation, but I believe the release of the virus throughout the world, if not immediately premeditated, quickly became a conscious effort for gain by the Chinese leadership.  It seems the US and European markets crashed but the Chinese markets didn’t.  Coincidence?

The Gates Foundation recently provided more than $1 billion to finance the research to find a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus now in pandemic stage.  Is it mere humanitarianism, a guilty conscience or both?  I don’t know, but in any case, for me, the finger points at the Gates Foundation and China’s leaders for infecting the World and both have gained from it.

Peter Stern