Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why the Tea Party Movement will fail

by Peter Stern

Initially the Tea Party Movement was a good idea to get people involved with political issues within their communities. The point was to meet in small local groups to discuss the important issues and to work together with legislators and others in searching for resolutions for problems and to work together to vote-in viable, ethical and responsible individuals to manage our direction at the national, state and local levels. It was a great idea. At first many people responded favorably to the Tea Party Movement; however, it soon became controlled and revamped by the very problems, individuals and groups the movement sought to resolve and/or remove.

How acupuncturists can further the education of medical students

by Peter Stern

One of the best practices acupuncturists present to further the education of medical students is to think "out of the box" and to treat patients more holistically instead of focusing on one or two areas of the human body for healing. The medical profession diagnoses an illness or pain and then tries to heal the patient without any regard for the whole being and what is going on for the "entire" patient physically and emotionally.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nazism never dies, it survives within our shadows

by Peter Stern

1st printing in November 4, 2005, since updated.

In today’s America there are two main types of Nazis. There are political Nazis and corporate Nazis. Both varieties are extremely patriotic and have similar platforms, agendas and motivation. There also is a group of racial Nazis that are growing in number.

During the 1930’s, Adolf Hitler rose to power in an industrialized but chaotic Germany, in which the middle and lower classes were living in poverty and unrest. Another reason for Hitler’s immense popularity is that the prevailing government was failing the majority of people and he instilled in Germans the sense of pride and nationalism, and lied as he promised the majority a better life.

Season of Discontent

by Peter Stern

What's that distant rumbling you hear?

It's the people's discontent.

It's growing louder every day.

Friday, April 23, 2010

During The Past Decade Did The U.S. Change For The Better?

During the past several decades the U.S. has changed very quickly and in many ways. Is it changed for the better? As with most things in life, nothing is all good or all bad; however, it would be tough to argue that most of the changes are for the better.

Perhaps more than anything else, the George Walker Bush administration’s legacy was to create the greatest changes in recent U.S. history. Since Year 2000 we went from a representative democracy to a profiteering imperialist oligarchy. Is that a bad thing? Yes it is, pretty much.

The reason it become a bad thing is not because so many individuals and corporations earned gi-normous profits, but it was horrible because of how they did it. They put-away huge profits by scamming or stepping on and over the American people.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

More government ineptness: the Appliance Rebate Program

We can only hope that most states manage this program better than Texas did.

The Appliance Rebate Program (ARP) actually is a good idea by the Obama administration. The concept of the program is to boost retail store appliance sales and give some rebate incentives for consumers to replace existing appliances that are energy wasters. In addition, the old appliances must be recycled. Every household could apply for a total of 2 rebates; the two appliances had to be in different categories. In addition, each applicant who wanted more than one rebate had to leave and then gain access again after obtaining the first rebate.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Do-Nothing" Congress Turns into "Do-Little" Congress

...or, if you want to do a job right, don’t give it to Congress.

First the U.S. Congress generated the giant corporate bail-outs spending billions of our tax dollars.

Those were followed by huge bail-outs for the auto industry.
Top executive bonuses still are being paid out with taxpayer dollars.

As the economy continued to plummet, more jobs were lost and home foreclosures increased.

Then Congress implemented auto and appliance clunker programs. Simply stated, that is a poor approach to injecting consumer dollars into the economy.

In short, Congress has done little for main street Americans.

printed in several media, "Still a Rogue Nation"

by Peter Stern

America, the Beautiful ain’t so pretty any more.

It is time for the American people to take back their nation from irresponsible and lackluster special interest-motivated elected officials. Replacing top members of the Obama administration may be in order.

The majority of Americans should be unhappy with our nation’s growth and evolution — or, if you believe it — intelligent design.

It is time for the American people to take back their nation from irresponsible and lackluster special interest-motivated elected officials. Replacing top members of the Obama administration may be in order.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Look at President Obama’s Shift in Middle East Policy

by Peter Stern

Although President Barack Obama has not spoken publicly regarding any major shift in Middle East Policy, according to some newspapers, e.g., The New York Times, currently he is exploring cutting back troops in the Middle East and Afghanistan and instead trying to root out Al Queda insurgents and to do so also primarily in Pakistan. The President, Vice President and Congress are considering this change because the current ground exchanges are often messy and not working well. The U.S. has been fighting in Afghanistan for the past 8 years without much to show for it. Obama is attempting to tell liberals that he is not considering increasing forces in the Mid East or planning to escalate the war there; however, the U.S. is not moving as quickly as many would like it to, including a growing majority of American voters.

Progressives are unhappy with Obama

by Peter Stern

Progressives are both correct and wrong to be upset with President Barack Obama. The fact is that throughout Obama's campaigning the American people were promised change. Obama promised the American people a lot of changes. He promised to change our stance in Iraq, to provide jobs for all Americans, to stop corporate welfare, to make health care reform a priority and to stop the political games in Washington, D.C.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

During the past decade did the US change for the better?

During the past decade did the US change for the better?

by Peter Stern

During the past several decades the US has changed very quickly and in many ways. Is it changed for the better? As with most things in life, nothing is all good or all bad; however, it would be tough to argue that most of the changes are for the better.

Perhaps more than anything else, the George Walker Bush administration’s legacy was to create the greatest changes in recent US history. Since Year 2000 we went from a representative democracy to a profiteering imperialist oligarchy. Is that a bad thing? Yes it is, pretty much.

printed in Iconoclast, Why Have A Congress At All If It Ignores Our Needs

Why Have A Congress At All If It Ignores Our Needs

Wednesday, January 06 2010 04:53 am

In Detroit unemployment is reaching a staggering 50 percent. The unemployment rate in other states also is escalating dramatically. Still, our Congress does little to resolve the issue.

Congress has lost its way. It does NOT act in the best interests of the American community. Congress has driven a wedge between itself and American citizens.

printed in the Iconoclast, America Rages On...Why Can't We Learn From Previous Mistakes?

America Rages On...Why Can't We Learn From Previous Mistakes?

Sunday, February 14 2010 04:50 pm

America, the Beautiful ain’t so pretty any more.

It took decades for us to get this way and it does NOT look like we will get back on-track any time soon.

It is time for the American people to take back their nation from irresponsible and lackluster special interest-motivated elected officials. Replacing top members of the Obama administration and most legislative incumbents is in order.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How to Guides: Tips on breaking in a baseball glove

printed on Helium.com, Tips on breaking in a baseball glove

There are several ways to break in a new baseball glove, which have not changed much since the game was invented in England back in 1774 when it was called the "Game of Rounders".

The very best way to break in anything is to use it a lot; consequently, the best way to break in a tough leathered, never used baseball glove is to get on out there and "Play Ball!" The more you play, the more the glove will break in. After each use it is best to rub in some linseed oil all over the outside of the glove to clean it and soften it some more. Doing this as often as possible still is the best way to break in a baseball glove.

printed in the Iconoclast, "Public Education: How To Improve It And Cut The Cost"

Thursday, April 01 2010 03:54 pm

The Fight Against Mediocrity Public education is NOT working. We all know it.

For the majority of children and parents, who rely on it, public education continues to fail the needs and the learning outcomes of the children attempting to get a quality education. Believe me, I know first-hand. I graduated public education, barely. My high school had 6,000 kids enrolled.

During the past decade did the US change for the better?

Where have all the good leaders gone?

During the past decade did the US change for the better?

by Peter Stern

During the past several decades the US has changed very quickly and in many ways. Is it change for the better? As with most things in life, nothing is all good or all bad; however, it would be tough to argue that most of the changes are for the better.

How to Guides: How to run your best in your 40’s and above

How to run your best in your 40’s and above

When you reach the daunting age of 40 you are going to have to change how you train and run, whether you like it or not. Chances are that your body will tell you in different ways if you choose to be in denial. Here are some tips on how to run your best in your 40's.

Fun Fare: The Origins of Cracker Jack

The Origins of Cracker Jack

The origins of Cracker Jack make for an interesting tale. It was invented by a German immigrant named Frederick William Rueckheim, who immigrated to Chicago in 1872 to help clean up after the famous Chicago fire. Rueckheim also worked selling popcorn from a cart; however, after some experimentation along with his brother Louis, they “tripped upon” a wonderful popcorn and peanut candy mixture, which the brothers decided to mass market. Consequently, Cracker Jack was first mass-produced and sold at the first Chicago World's Fair in 1893. (The legendary Ferris wheel, Aunt Jemima pancakes, and the ice cream cone also made their debut at the event.)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

in Daily Paul Liberty Forum, "Grand Old Party Blues"

Grand Old Party Blues

By Peter Stern,  01/18/2009 - 14:33

Submitted by yankee, in Daily Paul Liberty Forum

This is a e-mail making the rounds in Central Texas, the guy makes some great points:
The GOP just "ain't" Republican any more

Moanin' the Grand Old Party Blues

You could say I have been a registered Republican since the Eisenhower administration --- for those of you too young or too old to recall, that is since the late 1950's --- and yes, I'm old!  I was in elementary school handing out leaflets and buttons for presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower.

printed in Washington Examiner, "President, Congress turn their back on jobless"

December 7, 2009

President, Congress turn their back on jobless

How hard is it to provide jobs to those who need and want them?

Unemployment in the United States is at its highest rate in many decades but apparently is a mystery that only a Sherlock Holmes can solve. Despite his promises, President Obama has not fought significantly to bring jobs to hardly-working Americans.

printed in Atlantic Free Press, "On Krauthammer, Obama and even Bush - Has Obama's Shelf-Life Expired?"

On Krauthammer, Obama and even Bush - Has Obama's Shelf-Life Expired?

Written by Peter Stern Tuesday, 07 July 2009 06:11

These days well-known political commentator and Washington Post op-ed columnist Charles Krauthammer is making the rounds "respectfully" chastising U.S. President Barack Obama and the current administration. Krauthammer is a gifted and intelligent writer and it is apparent that while he respects President Obama's personal and political skills, he questions the President's real focus and objectives. Personally, I think all Americans should question the focus and objectives of each president. However, Americans should find many of Krauthammer's opinions in his recent speech on Obama questionable, if not obtuse.

printed in Chicago Tribune back in 2004, "Leave Iraq"

Leave Iraq



April 10, 2004
By Peter Stern.

Driftwood, Texas — More Americans are being killed in Iraq. What is the reason for this? It's so senseless. It needs to stop. The U.S. must leave Iraq and let the various factions fight among themselves for control. Iraq is rid of the Hussein family and that's what the invasion was about. Iraq is not supposed to become an American colony.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Appliance Rebate Program: More Government Ineptness

by Peter Stern 

We can only hope that most states manage this program better than Texas did.

The Appliance Rebate Program (ARP) actually is a good idea by the Obama administration.  The concept of the program is to boost retail store appliance sales and give some rebate incentives for consumers to replace existing appliances that are energy wasters.  In addition, the old appliances must be recycled.  Every household could apply for a total of 2 rebates; the two appliances had to be in different categories.  In addition, each applicant who wanted more than one rebate had to leave and then gain access again after obtaining the first rebate.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baseball season is back! How to Guides:

Tips for Laying Down a Perfect Bunt

There are many things to know about being able to lay down the perfect bunt and few players know how to do it consistently.  The number one tip for laying down a good bunt is to have "soft hands".

printed in many media, re: 2010 Census Survey

2010 Census Survey:  Is the Census Senseless?

Real Need or Imagined?  Accurate, or Riddled With Bigotry and Privacy Issues?
Every 10 years we are told by our leadership that the census survey is on the way and that we must fill it out and return it post haste because it will improve government spending on various programs.  The 2010 Census Survey will be sent out to Americans in March and is due completed by the middle of April.

printed in several media publications, "Bail-Out"


Soon American dictionaries may have a new definition for this word, perhaps something like:

...a process by which a Federal Government relieves the financial disarray, monetary chaos and general overburdening of banks, CEO's who fly around the globe in their luxury jets, delusional [auto] manufacturers, the elite corporate sector, private individuals, homeowners who during the past decade have paid too much in ever-increasing taxes, those who have been bludgeoned by astronomical daily living expenses, corrupt agencies and officials, passive legislators, dimwitted buyers and investors, con-men out to make a buck illegally, and anyone who does not want to be held accountable for their extravagant credit over-using lifestyles and personal ongoing expenditures, a.k.a., people with their hands ever-outward and upward.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Hunting Season Opens on Home Owners", printed in many county media

Property Tax Appraisal Time Again:   Hunting Season Opens on Homeowners

It happens every April, May and/or June throughout the U.S.

Homeowners become irate that their property taxes continue to sky-rocket!

What Homeowners Can Do Legally To Get Proposed Appraisal Values Decreased:

printed in several publications, re: the GOP

The Grand Old Party Just "Ain't Republican" Any More

Republican?   What's that?

Monday, April 5, 2010

How Will We Remember Bush?

Unfortunately, History Books Will Remember George Walker Bush as a Good President 

Why Democrats Won’t File Criminal Charges

There are many charges Democrats could file against Pres. George Walker Bush --- but they won’t.  If you or I did some of the things Pres. Bush did, we probably would be going to jail with a long sentence.  Most of us know that the extreme wealthy of our society follow a different set of rules and laws than the rest of us do.

printed in the Baltimore Chronicle, "Our Wealth-Oriented Society"



Our Wealth-Oriented Economy: "America, the Beautiful ain't so pretty any more"

by Peter Stern

Once upon a time in America, there was a large working middle class and competition was good—but that was then, and this is now.

"Crazy Clifford: a short story about bullies and those they bully"

Crazy Clifford was printed in The Lone Star Iconoclast
Issue:  April 7, 2010

Crazy Clifford © by Peter Stern

 a short story about Bullies and those they bully

CHAPTER 1: Intro to Crazy Clifford


I’m a typical 9-year old kid trying to grow up in a pretty tough section of Manhattan in New York City.  Going to elementary school every day is a big gamble on the streets, never knowing what may lurk around a corner and whether I’m going to have to fight to survive.

"Cash rewards for high grades?" printed in San Marcos (TX) Daily Record

San Marcos Record, San Marcos, TX


March 30, 2010

Cash rewards for high grades?

— Cash rewards for students are another poor option determined by business people and legislators who do not seem to have a clear perception of how to fix an ailing public education system. 

This idea rates right up there with Teacher Merit Incentives and success based on getting children to pass State exams.

"The Kora" published in the Lone Star Iconoclast

The Kora, a unique musical instrument growing in popularity

By Peter Stern

The kora is a wonderful and vibrant sounding musical instrument originating in West Africa.  It is growing in popularity in the U.S. and throughout the world.  Still, many people are unfamiliar with the kora and will be surprised regarding its long-time history, associated culture and application in the African community.

The kora  traditionally is an ancient African 21-stringed, bridge-harped musical instrument (although one may have 25 or 32 strings) usually made from a bottle-shaped gourd called calabash.  The gourd is cut in half, the long way, and is then covered with [calf] skin to create a resonating sound.  The strings used to be made of animal skins, e.g., antelope, but today nylon strings are often used.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

'Controlling America: Deregulation', printed in The Lone Star Iconoclast

Monday, March 15 2010 12:00 am
The trouble is that the corporate sector no longer has the "conscience" about over-pricing goods and services that it did years ago.

Once upon a time in American, deregulation was good. But that was then and this is now.

While we must advocate some sort of oversight of the electric industry, we should remain proponents of less government rather than more.  During the Eisenhower administration of the 1950's and until recently the GOP platform was less government in state and local issues. Today, however, the GOP is trying to assert government's power into almost every issue and activity — while at the same time pushing for deregulation of various industries.

printed in The Baltimore Chronicle, "The 8th Wonder of the World"



The 8th Wonder of the World... Dubai?

by Peter Stern
Take a look at what Middle East oil income is buying. You will be amazed.
While Americans and our neighbors around the globe are scratching their heads wondering why they're paying so much for gas and oil, OPEC member nations are rubbing their hands in glee. Oil barons have more money than they know what to do with. However, those in Dubai, one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the Arabian Peninsula, have uses for that money.