Sunday, July 12, 2015

Time to heal America and to provide for American Citizens first

Both parties share the responsibility for screwing the American people regarding most of the issues, e.g., border security, 30 million illegals living in the shadows, the economy, no jobs, education, high taxes, higher debt to other nations, is there health care after Obamacare?, and many other issues...

Both parties bicker and whine at each other and blame each other for all of Society's ills.
Both parties share the responsibility for screwing the American people.
Both parties want the votes of 30 million illegals after amnesty is provided to them.

Americans need leaders who know what they are doing and what they need to do to change things for the better for the American people.
Americans first, before Illegal and Legal Immigrants!  That should be common sense.  Don’t give criminal behavior a free pass.
The parties need to work together and rebuild the America we used to know and love.'
Right now we are turning into a 3rd World Nation.

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