Tuesday, October 22, 2019

looking back briefly on Obama...

Obama was a con-man who made all sorts of promises to the American Middle Class, but followed through on none. He also put Islam first and bowed to Islamic leaders.

Obama also, along with his buddy Holder, hammered a wedge between Blacks and Whites throughout our nation and both men were anti-law enforcement to such an extent that they permitted violent racist crimes in our streets, e.g., St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, etc., etc.

He pushed through Obama care and demanded the health care program to be rammed through Congress, many lawmakers did not even read the document, to which Pelosi once or twice stated, "You have to pass it to see how it all works."

Again, Obama actually was one of the worst President's we have ever had. He allowed ISIS to flourish and he stated that the way to cure the ISIS problem was to give them jobs!

Simply stated, Obama was a con-man who did little for the majority of Americans. I recall Obama once getting down from his plane and saluting a Marine guard with his left hand while holding a cup of coffee in his right.


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