Sunday, December 23, 2018

Schumer and Pelosi playing their standard Washington political games, while Trump works for American Citizens...

Chuck Schumer is a huge political manipulator. He dances with his words to entrance the American People into believing that he wants what benefits the entire population. If you can weed through the BS and the dancing games, you can see that it's the same age-old redundant stagnancy of Washington DC that again disrupts our nation and puts our citizens in danger of the ultra-left making its power plays to get socialist agendas and its desire to gain more ultra-liberal votes for future battles.

Nancy Pelosi will not isolate or separate from her party's ultra-left wingnuts to work with Trump until she wins the Speaker position she wants for the next 4 years. Perhaps after the ultra-left gets the House majority in January Pelosi will climb down her ivory tower to work with President Trump more rationally than the majority of her party has done thus far. In 2 years Pres. Trump has accomplished more for middle American than any previous President did within full terms, 4 or 8 years. Obama did little on his abundant promises to work for the middle class.

Pres. Trump has fought hard and continues to do so for American Citizens!

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