Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ultra-liberals are trying to fight Israel and change our Democracy...

Ultra-liberals are trying to tell Israel how it needs to change its security measures and there's a push to protect young Palestinians and other young Muslims, despite the fact that hostile and violent Islamic leaders are using youth to infiltrate and to initiate havoc and confrontations in the name of radical Islam. Many deaths have been perpetrated by converted youths because younger children and adolescents are better protected by laws.

In fact, there is a group of Democrats here in the US who are trying to push legislation to further protect young Palestinians, which would push hostile leaders and nations to increase use of the youth for further infiltration and violent actions.

It's really none of the collective US Democrats' business what Israel does and how it achieves its security. Israel is surrounded by hostile Muslim nations who want to drive Israelis into the Sea. The Democrats have no true awareness of Israel's daily plight dealing with hostile Mid-East assaults.

Ultra-liberals apparently hate Israel and Israelis. They are Israeli-phobic and love to push chaos and violence in pursuit of their own national and world control. Meanwhile extremist Islam is glorified and protected by ultra-liberals.

Americans need to wake-up and see what is happening within our nation before we don't have an American nation left to love!

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