Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Immigration and Homeland Security

Americans need to get reality-based and act intelligently!
So, House Speaker Paul Ryan, President Obama, Hillary, et. al., will rush to the aid of Muslims and illegals, but not for American citizens.  If we don’t change, we are a doomed nation.
Donald Trump says to halt Muslims from entering the US and that has thrown the RINO’s and ultra Liberals into a tizzy.  Well, I will go one better...
We need to put a hold on ALL immigration until we get a grip on the 30 million immigrants here already and determine how we will protect Americans.
Obama and Hillary are willing to spend millions to push more regulation on legal gun ownership, but they concur that it is impractical and would cost too much to return 30 million illegals back to their countries of origin, even just the criminal element.  We are told that for humanitarian and politically correct reasoning, we must help all the immigrants and refugees.
Why are we housing illegals here?  Why are we keeping illegal criminals in prison instead of deporting them back where they came from?  Makes no sense to me.  Keeping them here is an extreme waste of our tax dollars.
Lastly, I’m also so tired of ultra liberals calling me a bigot or a racist for being reality-based and intelligently considering ways to make our nation safe from those who will continue to kill and damage us.  It will never stop until we change how we see the problem and then take the logical actions to resolve them. 

We need to see the enemy clearly and to eliminate those who wish to destroy us and we should stop trying to explain or understand why terrorists do what they do.  It is pointless and it doesn’t resolve the issues we face.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Meet the enemy: Islam

Americans need to wake up and see the reality that we are at war with Islam.  

Why do we still permit the enemy to enter our nation and then provide for him/her with government welfare and benefits?
The enemies are already infiltrated throughout our government at all levels, including the Presidency.

We need to put a stop to it.  We are asking our leaders to put a stop to it.

This is a wake-up call!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Another massacre in California
Certainly, let’s continue to randomly bring in an endless supply of Syrians and other Muslims and others from around the globe because we need to become the armpit of the world.

Very soon the US will become another 3rd world nation because all we seem to do is to import people of whom a majority commit felonies and massacres and we have become very politically correct despite what rationale should dictate.

We used to read about massacres in 3rd world nations.  Now we are having them here.

We have people who want to exterminate us.

We didn't react to Hitler and the Nazis until it was almost too late.  We don't seem to learn from history.  We need to insulate and defend our nation from those who want to annihilate us.

We had better learn this lesson soon.  President Obama and the Liberal pack are wearing blinders.