Thursday, June 16, 2022



American Politics:  Lesser of the Evils


The Evolution of Mediocrity



Once upon a time in America there were great leaders, the economy was strong, everyone shared in living a successful life and the people were happy and proud to be Americans.  The American worker was the best in the World… but that was then and this is now.


So, what happened?


First, the American Two-Party Political System has failed the people.  In always vying for power & control, each party has lost its way.  To gain more for itself, each party focuses on the acquisition of millions in campaign contributions and exchange of favors.  $ucce$$ is measured in dollars.  There is little pride, honor or respect.


There are fewer candidates for office who are intelligent, charismatic, honest, ethical and QUALIFIED.  During the past several generations, the public has evolved apathetic and distrustful of their leaders.  Worse still, we have developed leaders who are barely mediocre.


As voters, we have learned NOT to vote for the best candidate, but we continue to vote for the lesser of the evils.  Consequently, we have lost our edge across the World’s stage.


The Corporate Industrial Complex has helped to ensure that the American worker remains unemployed by outsourcing America jobs overseas or by laying-off Americans and hiring only foreign H-1B visa holders.  The American worker is becoming extinct, as is the prehistoric Wooly Mammoth.


While more Americans become jobless with no income, they also are becoming less educated.  The process extends to limited or no health insurance coverage, taxpayer bailouts of large corporations, higher costs of living expenses and increased energy needs.  For most Americans, costs continue to overshadow income.


We must consider whether these ongoing occurrences in the demise of the American worker and our political system are conscious forethought or is it a stumbling bumbling process of ineptness and fool-hardy socialism leading to communism.  I vote the former.


It is difficult to believe that those who are mismanaging our government and corporate industrial enterprises are accidently corrupting our political system and plunging American lives into an economic abyss, from which there is no escape.


Our leaders are lying to and misinforming American citizens.  They tell us what we want to hear and then immediately do what is demanded by their wealthy special interests.

“I will have naught to do with a man who can blow hot and cold with the same breath.”

----  Aesop (620-560 B.C.)


Consequently, here in the U.S. most Americans are in crisis mode.  No matter what we are doing we are losing.  We have evolved into a people who elected the lesser of evils; however, all the evils will exterminate us in the short and long term if we don’t band together to make significant change.


What can we do to get back on track?


If we dare, we should do the following:


  • Recognize that the two-party system is failing most Americans and our economic well-being and simply vote for the MOST QUALIFIED person for each position
  • We must limit significantly or eliminate excessive campaign contributions with loopholes so that wealthy lobbyists, corporate jackals and/or extremists are UNABLE to purchase the best government money can buy, as they currently are
  • Next we need term limits in government positions.  Any elected official gets 2 terms max!!!  Officials must work harder and quicker for the public good.  After two terms THEY ARE GONE!!!  Like crop rotation.  Call it LIP --- Legislative Incentive Plan!!!
  • Above all else, we must ensure that Americans have jobs and that citizens are given first consideration above foreign workers.  Sorry, some will call this “job racism” but it is common-sense
  • Either strictly enforce the current immigration laws or legislatively change the laws and policies
  • Every American citizens must be able to purchase a COMPLETE health care plan that is affordable
  • Educate children to become successful in real world applications, becoming valuable members of our society and giving back to the community.


Think about it.  All these suggestions will ensure that we maintain a continuous flow of fresh, honest and ambitious variety of elected officials and citizens who will NOT be bought and who will perform their duties in the best interests of the community they serve.


Future leaders and workers each must be citizens and QUALIFIED for the specified positions.


In addition, all American citizens are provided jobs and are consider first by prospective employers.


All Americans will have health care that provides complete and affordable coverage.


It is time to raise our standards, elevate our ethical behavior and establish REAL community-oriented priorities by eliminating self-centered and greedy objectives by providing jobs for any America who wants one.


Finally, we need to get the U.S. back on-track.  Contact your family, friends, neighbors, media and government representatives to “get the ball rolling.”  Together we can do this!



Peter Stern