Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Washington DC Swamp is Alive and Well!

 So, even Donald Trump with his personality disorder and animosity couldn't change the insanity and stagnancy of the DC Swamp!   If Trump taught us one thing it’s that the Swamp is alive and doing well. 

Death Becomes Us

Americans are doomed by a legislative political system that focuses on rewarding legislators and their special interests. 

We need to change it, but the big question is how do we even start???? Term limits, vote-in new blood, stop special interest contributions and lobbying?  

It's not easy when the very people who could change it are the same legislators who benefit from it the way it is.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020

State of our dis-Union

 For the first time ever, I agree with Iran. American politics is humiliating and has reached a new low, which is hard to believe since the bar was never set too high. 

Now that Democrats have finally gotten rid of Pres. Trump, they can no longer use him as their scapegoat for continuing to do nothing for the American people. 

I would imagine that at least 49% of the American voters have no delusions that Democrats will raise our status in the eyes of the World, nor will Democrats get our "do nothing" Congress to do something tangible for American citizens. 

The crisis of our nation's Life will continue.  Our nation has been through many rough times and we will weather this storm too, but it will not occur without many additional casualties.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Our Wayward Dysfunctional Government

Speaker Pelosi has allowed the House to function much as a dysfunctional union. If she decides she doesn't like an issue or action, she whines her disapproval and either has the members act-out or walkout. Our government has failed the American people and we need to take it back.


I guess first step is to "vote-out" incumbents in favor of some reality-based new blood. Second step may be to set term limits. Then we need to review campaign contributions and lobbying regulations and get some control over wealthy and powerful overlords who rule for their personal and special interests. These actions may give the people more control over their government, but it remains an uphill battle.


Thursday, April 9, 2020

COVID-19 Coronavirus my view of its origin

I believe the COVID-19 virus was developed in China with support and funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  Part of the Foundation supports this effort.  Right or wrong I have believed this from the start of the virus in Wuhan.

There also is a place called the Pirbright Institute that also is funded by the Gates FoundationThe Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation did fund a research center in England called the Pirbright Institute, (see here ; more on the institute ). The Pirbright Institute specializes in the study of viruses that affect farm animals, and viruses which transfer from animals to people, but stated they do not own a patent on the COVID-19 coronavirus. The Pirbright Institute has a patent for a type of coronavirus affecting animals (primarily chickens), which can be seen here . The Pirbright Institute addressed the confusion between their patent and the novel coronavirus, COVID-19: 

The Pirbright Institute carries out research on infectious bronchitis virus (IBV, here), a coronavirus that infects poultry, and porcine deltacoronavirus that infects pigs. Pirbright states it does not currently work with human coronaviruses. More information on coronavirus livestock research can be found on its website. 

I have searched and researched the origin of the virus since it occurred in Wuhan.  As you might expect, there is little information out there on origins of the virus but in all my reading about it I believe this is how the virus originated in Wuhan but has been covered up.

It’s still difficult to get real numbers from China so we don’t really know whether the virus hit hard Beijing or other larger cities in the region.  The Gates Foundation will of course deny any issue or involvement in China producing the COVID-19 virus.  I am sure the Foundation supported China in virus and vaccine R&D in good faith.  But something premeditated or accidental occurred.

I don’t trust the Chinese leadership at all and neither should any of us.  Also the Chinese are an ambitious lot and take advantage of any world issue.  Call it paranoia, deduction or speculation, but I believe the release of the virus throughout the world, if not immediately premeditated, quickly became a conscious effort for gain by the Chinese leadership.  It seems the US and European markets crashed but the Chinese markets didn’t.  Coincidence?

The Gates Foundation recently provided more than $1 billion to finance the research to find a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus now in pandemic stage.  Is it mere humanitarianism, a guilty conscience or both?  I don’t know, but in any case, for me, the finger points at the Gates Foundation and China’s leaders for infecting the World and both have gained from it.

Peter Stern

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Corona Virus of 2020

The Real Deal

You should know that we're in a new battle with China and that it is now germ warfare. Pres. Trump will soon work it so that our medicines/pharmaceuticals manufacturing will return to the US and will be in our control. China has amped-up its game against the US and the West. Americans and Europeans should recognize what is happening and it is a real issue that Pres. Trump and his advisers are dealing with.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

A Political System in Crisis...

Our political system is in crisis. Pres. Trump should not ask Judges Sotomayor or Ginsberg to recuse on ANY issue except when required.  Disagreement with President, Party or issue is not a reason for recusal.  It's what makes our process work.  I don't always agree with the President, the Supreme Court Judges, party leaders or members, but this is the process and mostly it has worked.

That said, I can’t believe that in the US with a population of 327 million people we can't find or vote for intelligent and knowledgeable leaders who have our best interests at heart. It's a shame really that we seem to have political kamikazes at the helm of both parties. I don't love ANY candidate for President. I believe they all are certifiable and lacking the qualities that comprise a good leader. 

Where have all the good leaders gone?

Monday, February 3, 2020

In response to political insanity…

What all this political nonsense should tell the American people is that Washington D.C. is still alive and mentally disturbed and that we need to clean House and Senate. We need term limits and we need new blood in Congress fast... preferably no one from ultra left or ultra right. It would be wonderful to get some new blood that is more centrist whereby we can use some middle-ground resolutions to work together and to resolve some of our urgent issues. 

Congress as it is will never work together. There is too much hatred and disrespect on both sides. Best thing we can do is to get rid of all of them and rebuild, starting fresh. By the way, ultra-Socialism or Communism is NEVER going to work well in the US. We are still a Capitalist nation no matter what is said in Washington.

Friday, January 24, 2020

perspective on the impeachment nonsense

printed in the Austin Chronicle

Just noticed this letter was printed a few days ago in the Austin Chronicle

American People the Real Losers

RECEIVED MON., JAN. 20, 2020

Dear Editor,
    Who is doing the people's work beside President Trump? The GOP and Dems are playing Washington war games and they've placed our urgent issues on hold. It really is outrageous. The extreme cost of the games is in the millions of our tax dollars. There has be thousands of hours that could have been used to resolve urgent issues.
    The Democrats love to say that President Trump is "impeached forever" but soon the Senate will be also happy to announce that President Trump is "acquitted forever" and the real losers in all this are the American people, who once again are privileged to have a "do-nothing" but play politics Congress.
    There is bad blood on both sides and it will not stop after the Senate trial and the acquittal of President Trump. Both sides will continue to fight each other every step of the way on every issue and it's now up to the American people to vote in new blood and to get rid of the old guard dogs! We need to rebuild the House and the Senate with new blood or issues will never be resolved in an intelligent joint effort of left and right. Hopefully voters will be intelligent and see through this nonsense and will start the rebuilding in the next several elections.
Peter Stern

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Congress Gone Wild...get the video!

No bikinis, please!

Impeachment has changed forever in the US.  Nancy Pelosi and her majority House gang reset rules for impeaching a President.

While feigning love and respect of the Constitution, what they have done is to disrespect the Constitution and alter the rules for impeachment. Make no mistake that the precedence may shortly return when Democrats no longer have majority. 

The maligned procedure determined by the House was not what our forefathers intended for impeachment.  While Pelosi and House Democrats joyously celebrate “President Trump has been impeached forever,” what they know but refuse to acknowledge is the Senate will acquit Pres. Trump also “forever.”

It is a bad joke on the American people, who recognize Congress has gone mad. The apparent solution is cut-out the cancer spreading throughout the Congressional body and to transfuse new blood into it.  Only by voting-in new members may we hope for a healthier Congressional body.

Peter Stern

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Pelosi signs articles of impeachment

Impeachment carnival war games

The drum beats will go on and on....The House Democrats will always be able to say, "We impeached the President FOREVER." The Senate megalomaniacs will always be able to say, "We acquitted the President from impeachment 'crimes' FOREVER"  And Pres. Trump will always say, "I was impeached, but I remained President and I won the reelection as an impeached President."   Neither will see that each of them really lost.

And thus, the impeachment carnival will go on FOREVER as part of our American history.  The House and Senate let our urgent issues go on instead of doing what is best for our nation and American citizens.  The Congress is so involved in Washington War Games that it did not see that the American people have lost interest in their government, lost in the cycle of discontent and disenchantment.  So who really won?