Rick Perry is being paid $240,000 annually for being an Absentee Texas Governor
20:52 on 19 February 2012
Why do Texans and the Texas State Legislature permit Governor Perry to do this?
In any other job, Perry would be fired from his position. He has bought many key people here in Texas with appointments and job offers. No one holds Perry accountable. Perry does whatever he wants to and no one stops him. Even the Office of the Attorney General protects Perry.
The Associated Press stated:
A review of Texas Gov. Rick Perry's official state calendar conjures an image of an absentee governor.
In the first 16 days since abandoning his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, Perry has been to his office just three times and stayed no longer than three hours each time, The Dallas Morning News (http://dallasne.ws/A3DNwz ) reported in Sunday's edition.
Citing Perry's own state calendars, The News reported Perry has barely returned to his Capitol office in Austin after spending almost six months away campaigning for the presidential nomination. In 11 of the days since, his schedule shows no state meetings, phone calls or other events. In the five days thereafter, he is shown engaging in 10 hours of state business spread over three days.The more we read about Rick Perry and how his office defends him, the more we recognize his abusive and negligent behavior and action in the Office of the Governor.
To read more of the AP article click HERE.
Perry remains an inept and special interest Governor who does not take his job responsibility seriously. He is unprofessional and a cancerous tumor deep in the heart of Texas.
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